Dec 16, 2017


                                                         MELLOW LIGHT
                                                    6X6 oil on wood panel

Not sure even how I came to have this picture, but I do and seeing that I have painted this before I felt the need to revisit it and do again or I should say paint it again.  It is interesting approaching a familiar subject and still find new ways to talk about it, I suppose that why love painting, the discovery just never ends.

Aug 5, 2017


                                                                THE PIER
                                                             14X14 oil on canvas

With the sun beginning its decent and the light of the day melting into and became one with the sea, one could hear the music from the rids softly being interrupted by the sounds of waves lapping at the shore.       

Jul 22, 2017


                                                                  LAST DRIZZLE
                                                     6X6" oil on wood panel

With the rains gone and blue skies in the forecast I felt the need to paint raindrops.
This is from the last of the sprinkles that hit my car, but I must be clear, this is not the last of my raindrop series, far from it, I am planing on painting some new and improved rainy paintings.. Stay tuned to the posts.   (SOLD)

Jul 6, 2017


                                                           GOLDEN GATE
                                                6x6 oil on wood panel

Here is another from this fabulous city.  Just a peek-a-boo of this most iconic structure "The Golden Gate" Just the name congers up emotions across the globe, from great songs to movies, the name evokes wonderful moments.   The original photo was from Bernadette Carroll and a trip to San Francisco      (SOLD)

Jul 1, 2017


                                                             6x6" oil on wood panel
                        With the sun setting, long shadows began to cover the city ended a perfect  kind of day.  Shortly after, coolness and mist moved in transforming the city yet again and another kind of beauty and the beginning of a San Francisco evening. (SOLD)

Jun 17, 2017


                                                         6X6 oil on wood panel 

Every now and then, it is good to step away from reality.  We are slammed with  to much info, at least that's how it appears to me.  So when given the chance to depart from the madness I slipped effortlessly in a world of fantasy.   I hope this calms you as it did me.


Jun 4, 2017


                                                        6X6" oil on wood panel

With fall approaching and trees turning  gold, it's a time when all seems to slow down even the water slowed enough to look like glass.  So! I thought I would do the same and just slow down    

May 28, 2017


                                                                LOVERS &FRIENDS
                                                           14X14 oil on canvas

It matters not as long as the friendship and love is real between the two.  How beautiful to see, and you know when you see it, you think to yourself "those two are in love." 

May 27, 2017



                                                                      no show

                                                               THREE MOODS
                                                      each is 6x6 oil on wood panel

Just some of the moods we feel and most of the time, don't express.  We don't want to bother, we don't want to talk, we don't want to reveal.  We smile, we joke, laugh, talk loud, we hide, and like umbrellas we hold close protecting us from the rains.   

May 25, 2017


                                                               6x6 oil on wood panel

This was on Sunday, altho it could have been any day of the week; this little skiff is always here, hanging out, going no-place, bobbin up and down rain or shin.  Paint fading and peeling tied to a buoy for who knows how long,  I wonder, would it be worth setting it afloat. 

May 24, 2017


                                                          10X10 oil on canvas

So I deiced to take this back road and see where it takes me.  I had about an hour of sun left, getting little low on gas, looks like rain and the gas station is closed; what ells might be in store for me on this fine day.... Wait! are those flashing lights behind me? 

May 18, 2017


                                                                   ON HIGH
                                                           6x6 oil on wood panel

With the evening approaching the clouds began to gather and build like a crescendo.  I had to stop and stare at a great play and its finally before everything turns to black. 

May 16, 2017


                                                           STANDING PROUD
                                                         6x6" oil on wood panel

Driving back from Cambria on Exit 29, a crazy and winding road, I rounded a corner and there, looming up over a hill was this barn.  Finding a place to stop, I jumped out of my van, camera in hand.  One shot was all that was needed of this beauty "standing proud".

May 14, 2017


                                                          MORNING BIRDS
                                                       6x6 oil on wood panel

It was early morning with the sun peeking over the clouds; life was stirring under roofs with coffee brewing, showers spraying, and people talking in whispers.  I on the other hand was on the road with what seemed the only life was the one car heading in my direction and the birds on the wire.   (SOLD)

May 13, 2017


                                                           SOFT FOCUS
                                                     6x6 oil on wood panel

With the sun just coming up and the air thick with fog the house appeared to float in a field mustard greens.  In the distance a ships horn called out, adding to this, the sound of gulls  squawking to each other along the coast made for a beginning of a new day.  I took one photo in this soft focus atmosphere and continued on my way with hope in my heart in anticipation of meeting her.    

May 11, 2017


                                                     6X6 oil on wood panel

Within the shadows of the trees the air was cool and quiet; I  stopped to enjoy, knowing once the fog rolls in another kind of magic and story would take place, but!  for now, I just want to listen to the silence and dream

May 8, 2017


                                                          GROUND FOG
                                                     6x6 oil on wood panel

The sky was a crystal  clear  blue with wisps of vale like clouds that moved to  air currents up high.  Because it was still so early the ground fog lingered preventing me from getting on the road anytime soon.  It only took one photo and I knew I had another painting in the making.  

May 5, 2017


                                                           6x6" oil on wood panel

The silence was overwhelming, the colors where breath taking.  I found myself walking slowly and delicately stepping not to disturb the quietness.  What a beautiful planet when we stop to listen.  


                                                       BLOSSOM TIME
                                                   6x6" oil on wood panel

A fun and challenging little painting to do.  I painted this alla prima "wet on wet" in one setting with oil's.   

Mar 24, 2017


                                                     DELICATE BALANCE
                                                    6X6" oil on wood panel

Another painting of natures wonders.  It is a delicate balancing act indeed.   We are all part of it and privy to witness it when we stop long enough to look.   I know, all that first read the title thought I was referencing the butterfly but I meant all that is in the painting, think on this a minute... I have painted water, rain, air for the plants and the butterfly is life.   Pay attention to it...   

Mar 22, 2017


                                                               "SIMPLICITY" Sold
                                                     6x6" oil on wood panel

With the first day of Spring and a new season  I had to paint the innocence of dewdrops and a butterfly playing peek-a-boo.   The simplicity of a moment was a must to capture in these times of a world spinning like out of imbalanced top. 

Feb 17, 2017


                                                       ALL FALL DOWN
                                                   6x6 oil on wood panel

Looking at the political landscape of this great country and wondering what will be next I thought this was apropos.   Need I say more..

Feb 4, 2017


                                                                 WEST COAST
                                                           6X6 oil on wood panel 

To drive along the coast and see the clarity is sometimes startling.  On those clear days witch are meany here in Southern California is a real gift to all that stop to take it in.  This was just one of those days.   I really don't think I'm going to say much more.  I just want to drift off in it's beauty.  (SOLD)


                                                               IN SHADE
                                                     6X6 oil on wood panel

It was still early morning and 90 degrees; I wondered what the rest of the day was going to be.  I could ponder this question till the end of the day and no-mater what I would come up with, it would mater not.  Like so many things in life we have no say, it's all what you do with at that given moment.  To cold, put a sweater on, to hot take it off.  So... I took in a nice deep breath of fresh air, walked over to this beautiful tree, and sat in its shade and dreamed of dreams. 

Feb 3, 2017


                                                      PALM SPRINGS RUN
                                                      6x6 oil on wood panel

So having to get out of town, I thought, why not get up early and do a blast out to the desert, maybe stop at the "Blue Fox" and grab some chorizo & egg's, hot coffee and see some galleries.   Agreeing with myself, popped out of bed, hosed myself off and headed out to the infamies morning palm springs run..

Feb 2, 2017


                                                                  ON TIME
                                                        6x6" oil on wood panel

It was around 6:40 in Laguna Nigel and I was heading North to San Louis Obispo, meet up with some friends, catch up on some good talks, good eats at "The Spoon Trade", check out the wines, all great stuff.  So I was glade knowing all trains are on time..    (SOLD)

Jan 23, 2017


                                                      AFTERNOON MIST
                                                    6x6" oil on wood panel   

A place of enchantment that I had to paint.  The original photo is from a Yana Capusta who is a photographer / Designer at: 
She kindly granted me permission to use her photograph as a reference for this painting. 

Jan 21, 2017


                                                     6x6" oil on wood panel 

So the other day I'm on my Instagram when I come across a Jody Larcombe's photo's and fell in love with her photo, I asked, could I paint this, she said yes... So, today I not just painted it but streamed it on my where one can see this and others at:
So thank you Jody actress/photographer at:  

Jan 16, 2017


                                                         HELLO AGAIN
                                                   6x6" oil on wood panel

It was a new day.  I awoke to the sounds of birds, crickets, the buzz of bees and the throaty call of frogs.  The sun was peeking over the ridge warming the air and land.  I looked around at all that surrounded me and thought of the years that have passed, and wonder of what lies ahead. But for now, it is a new day for me to embrace and give a heart felt shout and say "Hello Again." 

Jan 14, 2017


                                                     DRAGONFLY SUMMER
                                                    6x6" oil on wood panel

I was setting quietly, my back up against a tree letting my mind float along with the slow moving waters when I suddenly realized I best take a photo of all and get back to my son.
I took one shot and one last look and a perfect picture on a dragonfly summer's day.

Dec 11, 2016


                                                         INTO SHADOWS
                                                     6x6 oil on wood panel

I  stopped on this path and looked at was just ahead.  The forest of trees became thick, the trees got taller.  I wouldn't swear to it, but I think things got quieter. I felt myself being pulled forward.   I listened to the quiet and slowly sounds of streams and birds filled the air. I smiled as I disappeared into shadows. 

Dec 9, 2016


                                                           SOUND of SILENCE
                                                          6x6" oil on wood panel

We walked for some time talking about this and that and without realizing, we began to speak softly, soon we stopped all together, words where not necessary nor did we want to disturb all that surrounded us; The gurgling of the streams, the songs of the birds, rustling of the fall leaves was all that was needed for the sound of silence.    (SOLD)

Dec 8, 2016


                                                       6X6 oil on wood panel

The late afternoon sun was going down, the air was getting chilly.  I bent down to feel the cool waters and was struck by the sheer beauty and stillness.  Two birds glided lazily in the silence of what seemed a never ending flight.  It was time for me to say goodby.

Dec 7, 2016


                                                       6x6 oil on wood panel

Ever so quietly I moved close to get a better look and this most beautiful of little mallard's that so innocently swam on by.     

Dec 1, 2016


                                                         6x6 oil on wood panel

Standing on the wooden walkway crossing the stream, I peered down into the cool water rippling by and the gathering of fallen leaves.  The soft sounds of the water tumbling mixed with all the songs of birds made for a perfect time to stop and dream.

Nov 30, 2016


                                                  6X6inch oil on wood panel

It was mid-afternoon and I was on a walk with my son and his daughter, (my grandchild]. It was a time to be quiet and listen to the sounds of this most magical place.  There was so much to see that I felt I couldn't get enough to fill my eyes and mind.  There where things for me to paint with every turn of my head.  So much beauty I thought, "I will run out of time."  Better get busy and paint.... Here's the start of many more to come.

Also on

Sep 21, 2016


                                                              DARK SKIES
                                                            6X6 oil on panel

Continuing my trip up North I was hoping to get to a motel or hotel before the sky opens up dumps.  Pulling off on the side of the road I got out of my car taking in the beauty that surrounded me before the dark skies take over and the rains begin. 

Sep 20, 2016


                                                             6X6 oil on panel

It was up north on a cloudy weekend when I spotted this meadow of deep burnt umber's mixed with golden shades. All supporting a gathering of rumbling clouds and the approach of rains  to come.  Yet unfazed, the grazing went on without a care, I thought to myself, could I do that, could I be unfazed by what might be approaching.     (SOLD)

Sep 1, 2016


                                                            6X6" oil on panel

Heading south trying to catch the sun as it slowly sinks behind the clouds and eventually giving way to night my mind drifts to all that has taken place.   Like the setting sun and the beginning of the new day that will fallow, I too look forward to new beginnings as well, I do indeed

Aug 22, 2016


                                                        BRACKISH WATERS
                                                          6x6" oil on panel

The sun was setting as I raced to find parking in order to find parking and walk down to the water.  This place is back-bay in Newport Beach with up scale homes that surround this most beautiful place.  I had to sneak in just to get the shot.  There is a price to see beauty, a price to see brackish water.