Showing posts with label paths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paths. Show all posts

Dec 11, 2016


                                                         INTO SHADOWS
                                                     6x6 oil on wood panel

I  stopped on this path and looked at was just ahead.  The forest of trees became thick, the trees got taller.  I wouldn't swear to it, but I think things got quieter. I felt myself being pulled forward.   I listened to the quiet and slowly sounds of streams and birds filled the air. I smiled as I disappeared into shadows. 

Dec 10, 2015


                                              "ENCHANTED WALK" 6X6" on panel

So I'm looking for something to step back from my sky series when I find this little beauty.
Nice little challenge to pull off I set up my 6x6 inch archive panel and begin a most enchanting journey down this road.   Hours later feeling the joy in painting this, I am now ready for a very interesting one hundred degrees opposite direction so stay tuned...
But for now, please enjoy an enchanted walk into this new painting.