Apr 27, 2011


I must give credit to a good friend and one great photo-realist artist "Will George" who sent me the photo thinking I might paint it, so here is the painting.  It is a 6x6" oil on wood that has been mounted to a varnished 1.5" deep wooden box:
If you are interest to purchase this please email me at schwartzart@earthlink.net  for price or questions.  (SOLD)


Susan said...

very very lovely - thanks to both of you! captured reflective light and the clouds - so good!

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thank you Susan, this photo was just what I was looking for to paint so it all came together..

Delilah said...

Wonderful sky, I love the purple in the clouds

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thank you, I do love painting those darkening skies..