Mar 23, 2010


Oh! How I do love New Mexico. Over the years I have painted the “Blue Swallow” so many times, yet with each time, it’s like painting it for the first time. There is always something new to discover in the process, for one the skies in New Mexico are fantastic, one couples that with great natural and manmade architecture and you cant loss playing with the senses. In painting this, I really had little to do with it, this great motel is setting there with this sky as its backdrop I felt my job was done, after all I got the paints, couple a brushes, Birch wood panel and voilà a painting… The "Blue Swallow Motel" is on Rout 66, a must stop for any traveler. This painting is in oils on Birch paneling with no framing needed, the size is 8x6 inches:  (SOLD)


Cara said...

Gerald - you know how much I adore things that remind me of home - this is fantastic. Good Job!

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks Cara, I new you would know of Blue Moon... Always good to hear form you.

patricia walsh said...

This doesn't remind me of home but I love it......nice composition and color.

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks Patricia, I also like what you have going on your blog site as well.