Mar 9, 2009


Playing with mist and fog and giving the feeling that I want to rub my eyes to clear everything up is both a challenge and fun to pull off, next is photographing it.. Sometimes that is more of a challenge then the painting... My skills withe my digital camera is still evolving.. This is a 6x6 inch oil on archival board that has been mounted to a wooden box that I have varnished so no framing is needed. $125 including shipping here in the USA. E-mail (sold)


Linda Schweitzer said...

Really nice! I love misty paintings, but they are hard to do. Do you make your own boxes or use commercial ones?

Linda Schweitzer said...

Opps, sorry, I asked the question before I saw your link about the boxes.

Gerald Schwartz said...

Good morning Linda, Ah! yes, misty is a challenge and that is why I paint them.. I think trees are a challenge too.. The boxes I paint on are made for me.. Check this guy out: Nice guy.

Becky Joy said...

The atmosphere you created is great. The color really leads you to the car headlights.

Gerald Schwartz said...

Hello becky, It is always fun to work in that color tone and see if I could pull it off... I like what you are doing as well..

Kerri Settle said...

I love the warm lights against the blues and the softness of this painting. I'm glad I found your work!

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks Kerri for stopping to take a peek... It is always fun to workout the colors and mood in a paintng..