Jun 6, 2007


20"X20 oil on canvas

For the Laguna Art Festival
The soft light at this time of the morning gave me a great opportunity to take some photos. As much as I wanted to keep fishing I was also looking forward to seeing the photograph knowing that this was going to be a fun painting to pull off. This painting is slated for my up coming show and will be removed for purchase from my blog on Jun 21.

Jun 5, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


I love LA....Is it crowded, Yes! but it has life. If I could I would live in NY, I just have to make more money or sell five blogs a day....Now that I think about it, its not a bad goal.

Jun 4, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


As I walked up to the door I could smell the cooking inside and a flood of memories come rushing in and a time long gone.

Jun 3, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


Hello my amigos, sorry to be away for so long, but this show that I keep referring to has kept me from supporting you all. If I wasn't such a perfectionist with my work it would be a snap. I have put together 15 new paintings for this show not counting my blog paintings. I do three shows a year and this is the big daddy of them all. I found this photo from a surprise trip to family and thought it would make a great subject to paint.

May 29, 2007



For the Laguna Art Festival
I love painting these and was inspired by my own blog "that a lucky lady now has." So here it is again on canvas. To paint shiny objects is just such a thrill and the airstream gives me that need for realism and abstraction all rolled into one painting. "What a joy." The size of this is 24"X30" and as always, painted in oils.

May 27, 2007


5.50"X5.50 oil on wood panel

This is heading out of New Mexico after this genteel rain turning the sky this incredible blue. This painting worked so easily that I was taken back when done, funny how sometimes that happens

May 16, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel.


Here I am on a rainy late Tuesday at 5:30 in LA getting off the freeway and knowing, I'm going to be late for dinner.

May 13, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel.


This was a slow drive back home and we all new dinner was going to be late.
Yes, I'm in the line of cars on the left.

May 12, 2007


5.25X5.50 oil on
canvas on wood


The many highway & byway that meander this country is amazing.

May 10, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


The joy of painting memories is the ability to conjure up feeling, tastes & smells of a time gone by.

May 9, 2007


5.4"X5.7" oil on canvas mounted on wood.


I love paintings these, I see them on the hwy's and Its camera time for me... Painting reflections is just plain fun.

May 5, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


Here is a nice soft pallette with heavy under-painting going on. This is up north and I took artistic license to change the location on the lighthouse.

May 4, 2007


5.5"X5.7" oil on wood panel


I found this photo I had taken a long time ago and with the memories of this trip and the hotel & restaurant where the food was "not bad" I thought it would be fun to paint. There is so much paint on this little panel for I had painted over another so it gave a nice build-up and allowed me to keep it loose and thats a nice treat for me.

May 2, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


So here is a new blog that I finely was able to get to, I must say, not doing the daily blogs and seeing guys like Edwards and the rest of you bloggers producing, I get jealous even tho I'm painting my big canvases everyday, its just not the same. That being said, here is a new painting. I just landed on the island and one of its many rains had just stopped. I did this painting hoping to capture the feeling of the humidity and feeling that prevails there like no other place.

Apr 25, 2007


6"X6' oil on canvas mounted on wood (SOLD)

Just an amazing color to this flower. Nature never makes a mistake.

Apr 22, 2007


6"X5.50" oil on mounted canvas.


The painting was taken from a photo shoot at a magical place in Newport Beach called Rogers Gardens.I must have spent day's there looking and enjoying all that surrounded me. It is a place of only positive thoughts.

Apr 20, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


I have never painted a flower this small and I must say, "I really like this process."
This will be the first in a series working from a photo study I did on flowers some years back. The canvases I painted on at the time were 48"x48" up to 72"X72".... So here I am 15 years later, looking at my photos with new interest and excitement on doing them for my blog. This is the first of, of however many I paint. Enjoy.

Apr 19, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


Here is the second seascape study taken from my photos of the surf at Newport beach. These two got me thinking of what and how I wonted to approach a larger canvas that you can see by going to: (Process)

Apr 18, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel

Here is one of two studies for a larger canvas that I'm working on. I don't paint many seascapes but every now and then I'll confront the challenge and that they are. My challenge is to give it life, it must provoke the feelings of being there, I want to be able to feel the spray and taste the salt.

Apr 13, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel

I was struck by the light coming through the trees and playing on the land. It was painted by dabbing colors on using a flat soft brush till I got the tonality I wanted.

Apr 10, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel

Here is another example of tone and mood. I must say, the original is much richer in color as is all. Every thing was painted excepted the trees in pointillism. As for the name, it is a metaphor of my own path as who I am.

Apr 7, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel $95


A study in tone, shade and mood, keeping the painting loose so the coloring alone would set the feeling of, a quiet stroll.

Apr 3, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


Love painting these and to keep them fresh looking in such a small area is a wonderful challenge.

Apr 2, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel.


Just for fun and a wonderful change from painting my larger canvases as my show draws ever so close.

Mar 30, 2007


5X5.5 oil on wood panel


This is a study for a much bigger canvas painting for my upcoming show. I'll show the progress on that painting.

Mar 27, 2007


5.5"X5" oil on canvas mounted on wood panel

I told you I would finish today. This is a place that a good friend and an incredible fisherman taught me how to catch bass.

Mar 24, 2007


5/12"X6"oil on canvas

On a trip up north in California I pass this oak tree and the sun just breaking through.

Mar 23, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel

I took this shot leaning out the window of my car. The contrast of the gray sky and this fifty-ish hotel gave me the mood I was hoping to find on my quest for subjects.

Mar 22, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


It was late in the day and I was tired after a long days drive. I could see the lights in the distance and knew sleep would come soon. This painting is part of an ongoing series of black & whites painted in oils, you can click at the top of my blog on "Canvases past & present" and see my larger canvases in B&W.


6"X6" oil on wood panel.


In the back country of Kansas City Missouri behind my nephews home, it was the first snow of the year.

Mar 20, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel

There I was leaving Gallup New Mexico when here is this stop sign for no reason, I think someone is playing a joke.

Mar 19, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel

Cruising the Palm Springs with the top down on a hot summers day I spot this Eldorado in the the shade.

Mar 18, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel

Passing through a small town in the middle of nowhere going somewhere I stopped, went in to Mils to catch a flick and eat some popcorn & chocolate raisinettes, gotta have that combo.

Mar 16, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel.

A funky little dive with one of the best burgers I've ever had, I"m going to have o stop there again.

Mar 15, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


One of many stops across this country of ours.

Mar 10, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel (sold)

Saw this candy apple at an outside farmers market, purchased the apple, set-up this little still life, took one shot then dove into the best spicy candy apple I have ever had.

Mar 8, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel $95

I was on my way to Kansas City when to my right I see this off on this little road just outside a small town. It was a late afternoon so off I go to have fun after a long, long ride.

Mar 6, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel


A trip to Paso Robles and some good wines.

Mar 3, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel $95

This is a fantastic ride up hwy95 to Lake havasu. I used to make this run at night and turn my lights off and drive it by the moonlight.

Mar 1, 2007


6"X6" oil on wood panel

Coming out of Utah on my way to Colorado on 70 and this vista opens up. What a fantastic drive. Several more hours and I'm in the town called "Fruta" in Colorado and at that point I've just stepped back to 1950.