Jul 22, 2017


                                                                  LAST DRIZZLE
                                                     6X6" oil on wood panel

With the rains gone and blue skies in the forecast I felt the need to paint raindrops.
This is from the last of the sprinkles that hit my car, but I must be clear, this is not the last of my raindrop series, far from it, I am planing on painting some new and improved rainy paintings.. Stay tuned to the posts.   (SOLD)

Jul 6, 2017


                                                           GOLDEN GATE
                                                6x6 oil on wood panel

Here is another from this fabulous city.  Just a peek-a-boo of this most iconic structure "The Golden Gate" Just the name congers up emotions across the globe, from great songs to movies, the name evokes wonderful moments.   The original photo was from Bernadette Carroll and a trip to San Francisco      (SOLD)

Jul 1, 2017


                                                             6x6" oil on wood panel
                        With the sun setting, long shadows began to cover the city ended a perfect  kind of day.  Shortly after, coolness and mist moved in transforming the city yet again and another kind of beauty and the beginning of a San Francisco evening. (SOLD)