May 19, 2010


Driving up the coast was a great time to reflect and to think of "What do I want to paint". I always feel like I need to say something, not just paint to paint. I'm always on a hunt for another way or different way of expressing feelings or moods, all this is, for me, has to happen with the use of color more then what the subject might be. That want, is not always easy to find or obtain... I do a lot of pacing around in my studio like a caged animal, looking or staring at the stark white canvas or gessoed wood panel on my easel, then, colors start to formulate in my minds-eye and my hand, holding my mixing-knife starts this dance with colors that lie glistening on my palette waiting there turn to be blended and shaped into my needs for expressions.  This is a 6x6 inch oil on Birch wood mounted on a varnished wooden box:  For purchase email me "AT"

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