Apr 9, 2010


Yes! I am posting this again.. I did some changes, like added to people behind the bus and across the street over there, two more, punched up the motel sign, and repainted the sky... Other then that, its the same painting... : )
Laguna Beach bus stop and just one of those late nights.  I want this painting to have the  feeling that this is the last bus out of town.   Yes!  I took liberties in doing this painting, but I can I'm the artist.  8x6" oil on Birch panel mounted on a varnished wooden box so no framing is needed:  (SOLD)


Peter Gander said...

Very atmospheric Gerald ;)

Gerald Schwartz said...

Peter, I thank you... I see you are an AD man, I have fond memories of my time in advertising...

Vision And Sound. said...

Nice work Gerald.

Your work is so cool I like the way you bring the viewer into the moment.

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks My Studio. That is what I wanted, glad you can see and feel that.