Feb 18, 2008



And yet another snow painting and this is coming from a warm climate person, but the colors that happen in this time of day is so compelling to paint that I had to tackle it. Oil on a 6"x6" archival gessoed board set on a 2" deep finished wooden box.


Cheryl McCarley said...

This is my favorite- I can feel the coldness. I love shadows on snow. I like how the clouds are even a shadow. Excellent!! Did you think of making this one a larger study? It would be very dramatic.

Gerald Schwartz said...
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Gerald Schwartz said...

Good morning Cheryl, You are correct in that, I was just thinking that this morning as i was posting this painting..

Austin Maloney said...

I really like this painting. The color and the lighting it's all very striking.

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks Austin,
Snow is a challenge so I keep trying to find more to do.

A Reason to Paint said...

I love the burst of light in this one - fabulous!

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks Triecia, I am drawn to what happens with light when passing through objects, i.e. trees/roof tops...You know what I'm talking..
Love your new painting too.