Jan 2, 2008


This is an oil painting that I did some time back. It, along with 55 other photo-realists and there works are going on tour for two years to various museums across the US, the tour is called "The New Reality". This painting is 40"x38" In painting this, I painted the canvas white then making all the colors transparent I began the layering of colors so as to handle the painting like a watercolor never using white for anything but let the white underpainting shine through..... 5 weeks at 10 to 14 hours a day 7 days a week I committed myself to this... This is but one of the many that this madman did... So to do my blogs is a real treat and a wonderful change of pace. Stay tuned for more blogs coming your way...


Linda McCoy said...

Outstanding Gerald! Congratulations on the museum tour!
Linda McCoy

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks Linda, I am looking forward to having this painting travel around.
After the two years it goes to my son as keeper of this.

Cooper Dragonette said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Extraordinary Gerald. I loved reading about the process as well. That must have taken the patience of a saint. Fanstastic!
Happy New Year!

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks my friend, yes it was a wonderful challenge but it is the way I have always done the photo real..
Happy New Years back at you.