Jun 15, 2007


6"X6" oil on canvas


Summer time in Santa Monica. This was fun working out the shapes in the dark areas to give the depth that I needed for this silhouette.


Robin Weiss said...

Your the mood master Gerald! Can almost hear the carny hawkers in the distance.

I like "Overpass" allot too. Great work here!

Gerald Schwartz said...

Thanks Robin, and I just checked out your bird houses, very nicely done.

N Poucher said...

The road, an airstream and an amusement park. Thanks for the great trips!

sandy said...

Gerald...I so like coming here and seeing scenes around Southern California..so recognizable but yet they look even better..sandy

A Reason to Paint said...

Hi Gerald,
Thank you so much for popping in to my blog; I really appreciated your thoughtful comments. I am glad also that it prompted me to come back and wander through more of your blogs, for I found these. I particularly like your urban works; I could leave positive comments on all of them. I'll definitely be visiting regularly.