Jan 23, 2017


                                                      AFTERNOON MIST
                                                    6x6" oil on wood panel   

A place of enchantment that I had to paint.  The original photo is from a Yana Capusta who is a photographer / Designer at: https://www.instagram.com/yana_capusta/ 
She kindly granted me permission to use her photograph as a reference for this painting. 

Jan 21, 2017


                                                     6x6" oil on wood panel 

So the other day I'm on my Instagram when I come across a Jody Larcombe's photo's and fell in love with her photo, I asked, could I paint this, she said yes... So, today I not just painted it but streamed it on my twitch.tv/madmanschwartz where one can see this and others at:https://www.twitch.tv/madmanschwartz/v/116373964
So thank you Jody actress/photographer at: https://www.instagram.com/jodylarc/  

Jan 16, 2017


                                                         HELLO AGAIN
                                                   6x6" oil on wood panel

It was a new day.  I awoke to the sounds of birds, crickets, the buzz of bees and the throaty call of frogs.  The sun was peeking over the ridge warming the air and land.  I looked around at all that surrounded me and thought of the years that have passed, and wonder of what lies ahead. But for now, it is a new day for me to embrace and give a heart felt shout and say "Hello Again." 

Jan 14, 2017


                                                     DRAGONFLY SUMMER
                                                    6x6" oil on wood panel

I was setting quietly, my back up against a tree letting my mind float along with the slow moving waters when I suddenly realized I best take a photo of all and get back to my son.
I took one shot and one last look and a perfect picture on a dragonfly summer's day.