Aug 16, 2012


With the sky darkening the big waves began to arriving.  Standing barefooted in the cool wet sand I could feel the power and energy rumble up though me with each wave that slammed the shoreline here in Laguna Beach.  Letting my mind drift with the never ending sound of the surf a painting emerged for another 6x6"oil.  This is on canvas and ready for a wall nearest you :-) (SOLD)



barbara b. land of boz said...

Gerald, These last two pieces are
just beautiful. I thought they were watercolours at first view. Your muse is smileing with you!
Thank you for sharing.

barbara b

Gerald Schwartz said...

Barbara sorry for the delay in commenting back to you... Gosh! it is hard not painting the surf here in Laguna beach, there is almost to much to see :)